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This film was created for the visiting center at Tnuva’s factory, where "Carlo" puddings, chocolate milk, and other dairy products are produced. The film offers a captivating visual experience, enhanced with multisensory elements such as smell, tactile stimuli, and water splashes. By integrating both 2D and 3D animation technologies, the video brings to life Carlo, a character long associated with Tnuva’s dairy pudding products.

Executed in collaboration with McCann Advertising, this project provides an immersive and engaging representation of the production process. The film highlights Tnuva's role as the largest dairy company in Israel and showcases their commitment to quality and innovation through a blend of animation techniques. Visitors to the center are treated to a dynamic and interactive experience, gaining a deeper appreciation for the meticulous care and advanced processes involved in creating Tnuva's beloved products.

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